This course is not affiliated with any particular brand or company or any products you may see in tutorials. All of the information compiled here is science, not marketing-based!
During office hours, the instructor is happy to answer questions about specific companies or devices, but this course will not discuss brands.
Warning for those affected: Some tutorial videos contain strobe lighting effects.
The complete certificate program includes all the content of the micro-learning courses. You can purchase EITHER an individual micro-learning course(s) without a certificate OR the full ‘Master Medical Aesthetician Essentials Program’ that includes a certificate (instead of individual micro-learning courses).
All content within this program, course, and related micro-learning courses, including downloadable resources, images, diagrams and videos, including audio, are the Copyright and Ownership of Alicia Yap, ClaraDerma Academy.
No portion of this program, content or related micro-learning courses can be reproduced without permission.