This landing page is for one micro-learning course, if you are interested in the full certificate program, click the link above titled 'Academy Certificate Program'.
This course is not affiliated with any particular brand or company or any products you may see in tutorials. All of the information compiled here is science, not marketing-based!
During office hours, the instructor is happy to answer questions about specific companies or devices, but this course will not discuss brands.
Warning for those affected: Some tutorial videos contain strobe lighting effects.
The complete certificate program includes all the content of the micro-learning courses. You can purchase EITHER an individual micro-learning course(s) without a certificate OR the full ‘Master Medical Aesthetician Essentials Program’ that includes a certificate (instead of individual micro-learning courses).
All content within this program, course, and related micro-learning courses, including downloadable resources, images, diagrams and videos, including audio, are the Copyright and Ownership of Alicia Yap, ClaraDerma Academy.
No portion of this program, content or related micro-learning courses can be reproduced without permission.