Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy governs how the Academy collects, uses, maintains, and discloses information collected from users (each a “Student,” “User,” “Learner,” “Participant,” collectively “Participants”) of the Academy/Program/Course(s)/Group/Community/School. This Privacy Policy applies to the Academy and all Courses offered by the Academy.

Personal identification information

We may collect personal identification information from Participants in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, when they enroll in the Academy or a Course within the Academy, subscribe to a newsletter, and in connection with other activities, services, features, or resources we make available in our Academy. They may visit the Academy anonymously. We will collect their personal identification information only if they voluntarily submit it to us. They can refuse to supply personal identification information, but doing so may prevent them from engaging in certain Academy-related activities.

Non-personal identification information

We may collect non-personal identification information about Participants whenever they interact with our Academy. This information may include the browser name, the type of computer, and technical information about their means of connection to our Academy, such as the operating system and the Internet service providers utilized, and other similar information.

Web browser cookies

Our Academy may use “cookies” to enhance their experience. Their web browsers place cookies on their hard drives for record-keeping purposes and sometimes to track information about them. They may set their web browser to refuse cookies or alert them when cookies are being sent. If they do so, note that some parts of the Academy may not function properly.

How we use collected information

The Academy may collect and use their personal identification information for the following purposes:

Sharing your personal information

We do not sell, trade, or rent personal identification information to others.

Affiliate Links

Our Academy may feature or mention affiliate links to products, platforms, tools, or services. We may receive an affiliate commission if you click on an affiliate link and purchase the item. We are not responsible for the practices employed by websites linked to or from our Academy or the information or content they contain. Clicking on an affiliate link is at your own risk, and the Academy does not warrant or endorse any products, platforms, tools, or services offered by third-party websites. You are responsible for reviewing the privacy policies and terms of service of any third-party sites.

Affiliate Promotions

Affiliates promoting ClaraDerma Academy are independent, and their views, opinions, statements, and activities do not necessarily reflect ClaraDerma Academy's values and conduct. We are not responsible for the actions, representations, or content these affiliates provide.

Third-party websites

Participants may find advertising or other content in our Academy that link to the websites and services of our partners, suppliers, advertisers, sponsors, licensors, and other third parties. We do not control the content or links that appear on these websites and are not responsible for the practices employed by websites linked to or from our Academy. In addition, these websites or services, including their content and links, may be constantly changing. These websites and services may have their own privacy policies and customer service policies. Browsing and interaction on any other website, including websites which have a link to our Academy, is subject to that website's own terms and policies.

Interactive Sessions and Opportunities

When interactive sessions or learning community-building opportunities are offered through the courses via other platforms such as ZOOM or Facebook group (and others), participation is voluntary. Privacy cannot be guaranteed on public platforms, even private pages. Zoom or video sessions are recorded for the benefit of the course participants. Please do not turn on your video if you do not want to be recorded. You can still participate in the chat box. If you have any concerns, don't hesitate to contact the instructor.

Bullying, harassment, or any other behavior that negatively impacts other learners or participants will not be tolerated. A student can be removed from interactive sessions, and possibly the academy, if their behavior negatively impacts others. While we will make every effort to ensure a positive learning environment, we cannot guarantee the behavior of others in interactive opportunities.

Interactive Elements

Our Academy may offer interactive elements such as shadowing or hands-on practice days as part of the Master Medical Aesthetician Essentials program or other related micro-learning courses. Participation in these interactive elements is voluntary and may require an additional purchase. We are not responsible for the actions, behaviour, or conduct of Participants during these interactive elements. You are responsible for following the guidelines and rules set forth by the instructors during these activities.

Comments and Testimonials

Participants may provide comments or testimonials about their experience with the School, programs, or courses. By submitting such content, you grant ClaraDerma Academy the right to use, share, and publish these comments or testimonials in promotional materials, on our website, or in other marketing efforts. We may use your name, course taken, and other relevant information unless you request anonymity.

Use of Recorded Sessions

The Academy may record live and interactive sessions, including those conducted via platforms such as ZOOM (or other platforms). These recordings may be used for educational purposes, promotional materials, or other marketing efforts. By participating in these sessions, you consent to the use of your likeness, voice, and any content you contribute during the sessions. If you do not wish to be recorded, please do not turn on your video or audio during the session. You can still participate via the chat box. If you have any concerns, please contact the instructor.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

The Academy has the discretion to update this Privacy Policy at any time. We encourage you to check this page frequently for any changes. You acknowledge and agree that you must review this Privacy Policy periodically and become aware of modifications.

Your acceptance of these terms

Enrolling in the Academy signifies your acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If you disagree with this Privacy Policy, please do not enroll in the Academy. Your continued enrollment in the Academy following the posting of changes to this Privacy Policy will be deemed your acceptance of those changes.

Additional Clarification in regards to the Privacy Policy & Terms of Use: Partners with this Platform

Information was collected via the Thinkific platform on behalf of this academy: ClaraDerma Academy, which includes the owner, instructor, host, and founder, Alicia Yap. You are providing permission for correspondence from ClaraDerma Academy regarding the Master Medical Aesthetician Essentials program, related micro-learning courses, this academy, and this learning platform/program. Any other permissions are optional for additional resources and information directly from ClaraDerma Academy’s email service provider via (example only) MailChimp or other related services.